The West Africa Drug Policy Network (WADPN) is a budding coalition of more than 600 CSOs from the 16 West African Countries that supports drug policy reform in West Africa by building the capacity of local CSOs to address the impact of drug markets on democracy, governance, human security, human rights and public health. WADPN will contribute to improvement of drug policy in the region through building of the capacity of CSOs, raising awareness through public campaign and pushing for reforms. The network has a regional coordinating team and is comprised of national chapters in the 16 West Africa Countries spearheaded by a national focal point. The national chapters engage their respective government on evidence-based drug policy reform issue.
The West Africa Civil Society Drug Policy Network (WADPN) is interested in evidence-based drug policy reform in West Africa. Specific interest is on how illicit drug trade impacts democracy,governance, security, human rights and public health within the region. The network is also interested in fostering partnership with organisations and institutions within and outside the West Africa region who shares similar interest.
Phone:Â +233(0)30 255 0213
Location: No.9 Bamboo Street, East Legon, Accra, Postal Address: AT 1956 Achimota, AccraÂ