The Harm Reduction Consortium's Global Drug Policy Index (GDPI) ranks Ghana, Senegal, Kenya, and Mozambique 24th, 10th, 27th, and 21st positions respectively out of 30 Countries in the first-ever Global Drug Policy Index.
The Global Drug Policy Index is the first-ever composite index that documents, measures and compares national-level drug policies. As such, it is a unique tool that provides each country with a score and ranking that shows how much national drug policies and their implementation align with the principles of human rights, health, and development.
Its indicators and dimensions are drawn from the ‘United Nations System Common Position supporting the implementation of the international drug control policy through effective inter-agency collaboration’ and its implementation Task Team’s report ‘What we have learned over the last ten years: A summary of knowledge acquired and produced by the UN system on drug-related matters’.
The Index draws its data from desk-based research on existing national laws and policies, as well as a comprehensive civil society survey to assess policy implementation on the ground for the year 2020.
The Global Drug Policy Index is a project of the Harm Reduction Consortium, which includes the following partners: the European Network of People Who Use Drugs (EuroNPUD), the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA), the Eurasian Network of People who Use Drugs (ENPUD), the Global Drug Policy Observatory (GDPO) / Swansea University, Harm Reduction International (HRI), the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), the Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association (MENAHRA), the West African Drug Policy Network (WADPN), the Women and Harm Reduction International Network (WHRIN), and Youth RISE.
Read more on The Global Drug Policy Index here!